Anything I write that has to do with writing will be in From Pico's Pen, my author's blog. Everything that doesn't fit any of the sites I write on will be here. This is my practice. I could have kept it private and farmed out the good stuff but I found my readers like too much of it to do that. It isn't a diary because there are things I keep to myself but you can learn a great deal about me from the randomness you will find here.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

A New Project

Painting Francine Heykoop - Family Cycling St. Polycarpe, QC

Spent a considerable amount of time the last couple days building an artist's blog for my wife Francine. She has created quite a number of paintings and drawings and they are, in my not necessarily expert opinion, really good. Her work has been featured on Fine Arts America for years now, to date she has received quite a lot of positive attention, but has never made a dime for her efforts. This website is my contribution to trying to turn that around. I believe her work is worthy.

At this point, all that has been created is an under construction post and I've taken the time to divide her work into logical galleries. All five galleries are live, although at this point there are no links back to her Fine Arts America account from the gallery images, where they can be purchased. Each gallery still needs a description. Just means, I still have a lot of work to do. Those gallery pages are set up as links right under the blog title.

Ultimately the site will be set up so that my wife can take about her art and art in general and promote it. Links will be available leading straight to the products on her Fine Arts America account or her Zazzle account where anyone interested can enjoy her work by purchasing products featuring it.

If you're interested in having a look just click on the highlighted words Francine's Brushes & Pencils for her blog or Francine at Fine Arts America if you're interested in seeing the types of products that are available featuring her artwork. Visitors are always welcome.

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