While doing the weekly shopping Francine and Mieke stumbled on an inexpensive tablet keyboard compatible with mine. They knew I wanted one because writing articles with my thumbs is a pain in the posterior. So in the name of helping me become more productive they brought one home.
I'm giving it a test run as I write this. It is functioning like a very small laptop. I like it but it will take some getting used to. The keys have to be depressed quite far to register but they are small and close together. I'm grateful for inheriting my mother's hands. Dad would likely hit four keys at a time.
Brandon upgraded his laptop on the same day. That means his previous laptop got passed to Mieke and her's got transferred to me. I get to learn Windows 8.1 and work with a completely new set up. Once I get used to it all. I should be more productive. Granted I'm going to have to steer clear of the online games. There are a few that I have not played in quite sometime because my previous equipment wasn't up to the task.
Writing this wasn't too painful, so I'm looking forward to the coming writing week.
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